Your Office knew all about this!
Ralph Marra's Business Card
Begin forwarded message:
From: Cynthia Jampel
Date: May 27, 2007 8:49:10 AM EDT
To: fodor@co.somerset.nj.us, scpo.net, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, Inspectorgeneral@oig.state.nj.us, nancy.manteiga@usdoj.gov
Cc: a V
Cynthia Feiler-Jampel
3308 French Drive
Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807
Somerset County Prosecutor's Office
40 North Bridge Street
Somerville, New Jersey 08876-1262
Telephone: 908 231 7100
Dear Sergeant Detective Fodor
and Wayne Forrest.
RE: Complaint (SCPO File #0609-2031) Robert A. Franco and Randi Franco, Esq.
I am responding to your certified letter dated May 23, 2007 which informed me that you received the two new pieces of evidence relating to the complaint (SCPO File #0609-2031). These two documents certified and confirmed that the check #143 Bank of America (4th payment), that was altered and the endorsed by Randi Franco and ultimately strategically cashed, was certainly tended for me.
You can see these certifications at: http://victimofjudicialgreed.blogspot.com/2007/05/certification-of-theft-et-tu-brutus.html
My Complaint is and continues to be:
(1) The check alteration; changing Cindy to Randy albeit she spells her name Randi.
(2) The endorsing of the check by Randi Franco as admitted by her husband Robert A Franco on the tape recording that you have in your possession.
(3) The recording of August 10, 2007 which we listened together, upon your hearing it, you sent me to the Bridgewater P.D. because you viewed it as a terroristic threat.
(4) The cashing of the check at the Somerset Valley Bank, in Somerset County.
(5) The cashing of the check which was implemented and masterminded by Mr. Franco, as he preyed on an elderly friend by deceiving him and leaving him as the culprit, by setting him up as a criminal offender, which Mr. Franco talked about on the same audio-tape recording that you and I listened to.
I see now, this event is labeled as a complaint, not an investigation, was it ever an investigation?
On Wednesday, May 23, I came to your office to find out who the Assistant Prosecutor is, who is involved in this matter, by seeing my file ( OPRA ), this answer for some obscure yet more than obvious reason is being withheld from me.
I also have called your office to report to the Crime Victim Program which was suggested by the custodian of Records for OPRA, Mary Ann Triacio after she listened to what had happened to me and how it continues to destroy my life, both financially and emotionally. Debby Mc Gowen, the Director of the Crime / Victim Program called me and left a message that she was going to confer with you about my coming in for an appointment, are you going to deny me counseling because the Assistant Prosecutor is refusing to move forward with a prosecution? I have called again and heard nothing.
Detective Fodor, at this point, I am being further VICTIMIZED, by your office. The Assistant Prosecutor whoever he or she is, has violated my due process, title 18 US 42 and has more than likely offended an IRS mandate. What is the purpose of letting an obvious criminal action, with many collateral mal-effects go without prosecution? Is it true, does Mr. Franco have the Prosecutor's Office handled, as Mr. Franco, himself has been stating? If this is factual, your Office must be investigated by an overseeing Law Enforcement Agency. This does happen, look back to the previous Prosecutor's history.
I am further aware that I am not the only victim in Somerset County. It appears that the Prosecutor's Office is aware of that two little girls, Ava and Talia Ray have been and continue to be abused both physically and sexually. Talia a victim of inordinate malice at Passages, a DYFUS Facility.
See http://truthwins.info/ and Ava in her own home.
It had been told to me, that Detective Jeannie Rabbie (sp) is looking into this matter, will this go without prosecution also? The complaints about this matter have been going on for quite a long time and so far, the day to day abuses have been occurring without intervention by your Office, The Somerset County Prosecutor.
I appreciate your directing me to send my letters and correspondence by certified mail but that puts a hardship on me, since I've had so much stolen from me and your office continues to ignore this. I will continue to email you and your Office because I believe that everyone should know what goes on in
Somerset County.
I know you receive my emails because the first email was answered by you, when I asked about a terroristic threat and you very duly sent the answer by mail with enclosures. If the emails are not read, then your office is further guilty of malfeasance, which would not be a further shock to the conscience.
Cynthia Feiler-Jampel
June Wisneiwski, as clear thinking and as bright as can be, was fighting her brother who allegedly committed suicide. The battle was going on in Union County Chancery Court before the Honorable Judge John M. Boyle. See http://www.judicialterrorism.com/
Homepage for www.judicialterrorism.com
February 25, 2003
Welcome to the Judicial Terrorism Web Page
Are you having trouble with probate, estate, guardianships, access to public records, or property seizures in probate cases? This may be the website for you. The purpose of this website is to create an awareness of probate problems in the court system nationwide. This website will be updated at least once a month. Scroll down to read "Judges Fight Back Against Common Law Courts," published in Media Bypass in April, 1997. Additional articles written by June Wisniewski will be added monthly.
You can read the article, "Continuing Education Credit Prejudices Judges," published in the Idaho Observer in January, 2001, on this link, http://proliberty.com/observer/20010105.htm .
The mission of this website is to look for peaceful ways to stop the violent, abusive, discriminatory, and illegal tactics of judges in the country, specifically those that were trained by the National Judicial College (NJC) and other training organizations. Judges are trained to confiscate assets of individuals, take away an individual’s rights, put bogus guardianships on individuals, and predetermine trial issues against litigants they dislike.
This website will focus on probate, estate, guardianship issues, access to public records, and property seizure issues. It will feature the probate activities in Union County, New Jersey, the setting of “The Sopranos.” It will also feature the collaboration of the judicial system in Union County, New Jersey, with the local law enforcement. This includes Linden mayor, police commissioner, and convicted felon, John Gregorio, now fined for four separate violations for ethics violations for illegally influencing the government involving the trash-transfer station for garbage disposal. The state Local Finance Board ruled that Gregorio used his influence to help his son-in-law, Dominick Pucillo, the leader of an investment group that owned the land where BFI transfer station planned to build so that they could process most of New York City trash.
Several of us are investigating litigants that have been damaged by several judges and county offices: Judge John Boyle (former Union County judge, now working for Lindabury, Estabrook &McCormick), Union County Assignment Judge Edward Beglin, former Union County Surrogate Ann Conti, Union County Surrogate James LaCorte, any employee from the Union County Surrogate's Office, any problems with Chancery Court in Union County, any problems with attorneys in the law firm of Lindabury, Estabrook & McCormick in Westfield, New Jersey, attorney Walter Kipp of Kipp, Somerville & Kipp in Rutherford, New Jersey, former Judge William Dressel from Colorado, the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada. If you have had any problems with them, please contact me immediately.
One of the major supporters of NJC is Senator Bill Raggio, who agrees with the activities of NJC. Raggio, as head of the Senate Finance Committee in Nevada, pushed for the State of Nevada to release over six million dollars in state funds to support the activities of NJC since 1997. Senator Raggio represented Frank Sinatra when Sinatra lied to the gaming commission regarding his ties to organized crime in order to get his gaming license back. Raggio, as late as 1999, in a quote in the University of Nevada publication, the Silver and Blue article, “Scoring for Education,” admitted that he was the District Attorney that burned down Joe Comforte’s brothel, and that he would have gotten less heat if he burned down a church. Raggio’s activities are considered perfectly acceptable in the State of Nevada, and it makes one wonder if the rest of the State Senators supported Raggio out of fear as to what might happen to them if they did not support him.
The securities fraud issue involving PaineWebber and their illegal inside trading and substitute of bogus, bankrupt, junk bonds for cash in a brokerage account will be covered. The cooking of books in the Accounting of the Wisniewski probate case involving the stock portfolio scam will also be covered. The two New Jersey family probate cases and the embezzlement and mishandling of the estate assets and property by the New Jersey court system, and the NJC training these judges received will also be covered.
The activities of the non-profit corporation called the National Judicial College will be covered, including their questionable accounting practices, their lack of a state license to operate as a college and offer graduate courses towards a graduate degree in Judicial Studies, their lack of accreditation, their training activities, and their illegal solicitation of funds nationwide.
June Wisniewski and Dorothy Bukowski have been turned down by the Union County Surrogate's Office when they requested access to part of their court files and estate assets in two probate cases, "In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Wisniewski, Sr." and "In the Matter of the Alleged Will of A. Leo Korona." Assignment Judge Edward Beglin and Surrogate Ann Conti both denied June and Dorothy access to public information. A formal complaint was filed with the Government Records Council, and our records complaint was sent to Kevin Wolfe, Chief, Civil Practice Liaison, Administrative Office of the Courts in early January, 2003, but he had failed to get back with June regarding the court documents she requested. The court document June requested from Assignment Judge Edward Beglin was a MEMO written to him that states her father was killed so that the government could confiscate her father's property. Since Judge Beglin refuses to give June a copy of this document that she read in a public court file, does this make him an accessory to murder after the fact, and responsible for the theft and grand larceny in the amount of over $250,000? The rackeeteering involved Judge Edward Beglin, former Deputy Surrogate Robert Lenahan (who wrote the MEMO), former Union County Surrogate Ann Conti, and former Probate Judge John Boyle. Boyle now works for the law firm that put the bogus guardianship on June so that they could confiscate her probate property, and the guardian is working for the law firm, Lindabury, Estabrook & McCormick, that Boyle now works for. You can link up to them at www.Lindabury.com.
The current Union County Surrogate denied June and Dorothy access to public information in August, 2002, attaching a letter and a court order from Judge Beglin.
Judge John Boyle, Judge Frederick Kentz, and Surrogate Ann Conti were trained by the National Judicial College, and denied June access to her court files and estate assets. A letter was written to the AOC, Robert Lipscher, a teacher at NJC, regarding access to court files in Union County, but he did not respond to June's letter.
The writer of this website, June Wisniewski is available for interviews and public speaking engagements. Her topics are covered in her books that are currently being written or revised:
The Coffin Chasers – An Aggrieved Litigant’s Journey Through The Corrupt World of Probate
(revised edition will be available March 2, 2003)
Unequal Justice – The Inside Story of the National Judicial College
(available May, 2003)
How Organized Crime Controls The Judicial System in Nevada and New Jersey
Free will donations or gifts will be accepted to support the work that June is doing as a freelance investigative journalist. The books will be available for $20 each, including postage.
You can reach June by writing, phoning/faxing, or e-mail:
June Wisniewski
P. O. Box 7291
Reno, Nevada 89510-7291
(775) 324-6856 phone/fax
Final Decision
Findings and Recommendation of Executive Director
Final Decision
June Wisniewski and Dorothy Bukowski
Union County Surrogate's Office,
Custodian of Record. Complaint No. 2002-83
Decision Issued: June 12, 2003
Decision Effective: June 12, 2003
At its June 12, 2003 public meeting, the Government Records Council considered consolidated Complaints #2002-83 filed pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. The requestors sought access to six records alleged to exist in the County Surrogate's files concerning certain named individuals' wills and estates. The requestors claim the Surrogate's office is only "quasi-judicial" in nature and that the records in the Surrogate's case files are accessible under OPRA.
The Council considered the Complaint, submissions from the requestors dated March 31 and April 29, 2003, and the Findings and Recommendations of the Executive Director dated June 12, 2003. The Findings and Recommendations concluded that the Surrogate's office is part of the judiciary of the State of New Jersey and that, therefore, the case files in the Surrogate's office sought by the requestors are not subject to OPRA pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-7(g).
By affirmative vote of four council members on June 12, 2003, the Council adopts and incorporates herein the June 12, 2003 Findings and Recommendations of the Executive Director and hereby dismisses the Complaint for lack of jurisdiction.
A copy of this Decision shall be provided to the requestor, the custodian, and all counsel of record.
/s/ Vincent Maltese, Chair
Government Records Council
I attest the foregoing is a true and accurate record of the Government Records Council:
/s/ Virginia Hook, Secretary
Government Records Council
Dated: June 12, 2003
Return to Top
Findings and Recommendation of Executive Director
June Wisniewski and Dorothy Bukowski
Union County Surrogate's Office,
Custodian of Record. Complaint No. 2002-83
Relevant Record(s) Requested: Various records contained in Surrogate case files
Request made: August 8, 2002
Custodian: James S. LaCorte, Surrogate
Request denial: August 12, 2002
GRC Complaint filed: November 4, 2003
Executive Director's Recommendation
This OPRA request filed August 8, 2002 with the Union County Clerk's office seeks six records alleged to exist in the County Surrogate's files concerning certain wills and estates. The requestors claim the Surrogate's office is only quasi-judicial in nature and that the records in the Surrogate's files are subject to OPRA. The Executive Director concludes that the Council lacks jurisdiction over the complaint because OPRA does not apply to the judiciary and the Surrogate and the Surrogate's office are part of the State's judiciary. For this reason, the Executive Director recommends that the Council dismiss the complaint.
Statements of Facts
The Union County Clerk's office referred the request to the Surrogate's office by memo dated August 9, 2002. The request was for six documents allegedly contained in the Surrogate's files pertaining to either probate of the Estate of Joseph Wisniewski or litigation entitled "Alleged Will of A. Leo Korona." By letter dated August 12, 2002, Surrogate James S. LaCorte provided access to one record (a court order) and advised the requestors that four other documents described did not exist. The Surrogate denied access to the remaining record, a July 14, 1992 memo to Edward W. Beglin, A.J.S.C., from former Deputy Surrogate Robert Lenahan concerning the Wisniewski case. The parties subsequently filed separate but identical complaints with the Council. The two complaints are being treated as a single complaint.
The requestors have been seeking a copy of the Lenahan memo since 1995, when a copy was inadvertently shown to them during their inspection of the Surrogate's Wisniewski file on May 22, 1995.
Council staff referred the requestors to the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) so the parties could discuss possible settlement. However, council staff advised the requestors that the Surrogate's office was part of the State's judicial branch and thus not subject to OPRA. Subsequent discussions between the requesters and the AOC did not resolve the matter, and the requestors asked the GRC to adjudicate their complaints.
In a Statement Of Information dated April 1, 2003, the custodian alleges that the Council lacks jurisdiction over the Complaint and cites a February 5, 2003 memorandum to "Surrogates" from Richard Williams, J.A.D., Administrative Director of the Courts, advising that the Surrogate and the Surrogate's office are part of the judiciary and, as such, Surrogate records are not subject to the Open Public Records Act. Additionally, the custodian asserts the Lenahan memo is confidential "work product" because it is the substantive equivalent of a memorandum from a law clerk to a judge. The custodian reiterated that that the remaining documents sought do not exist, with the exception of court orders, which were provided the requestors.
In responses dated March 31 and April 29, 2003, the requestors allege that the Surrogate is only a quasi-judicial office and that, in any event, the Surrogate "waived" any exemption belonging to the Lenahan memo once it was displayed to June Wisniewski during an inspection of Surrogate files on May 22, 1995. The requestors also contest the Surrogate's statement that other records sought do not exist.
Analysis and Conclusion
Since 1990, all functions of the Surrogate and any surviving vestige of the "Surrogate's Court" have been transferred to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Probate Part, for which the Surrogate serves as deputy clerk. This clearly makes the Surrogate, regardless of the historic role of the Surrogate or "Surrogate Court," part of the Judicial Branch of government.
Thus, while the requestors have alleged that the Surrogate is a "quasi-judicial" office, New Jersey law treats the surrogate as a full member of the judiciary. The fact that the Surrogate is elected and not appointed does not remove the Surrogate or the surrogate's office from the judicial branch.
Applying this analysis to OPRA, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-7(g) states: "The council shall not have jurisdiction over the Judicial or Legislative Branches of State Government or any agency, officer, or employee of those branches." Further confirming this legislative intention to exclude the judiciary, is the definition of a "public agency," the terms "Executive Branch" and "Legislative Branch." A definition for "Judicial Branch" is conspicuously absent from OPRA.
The foregoing leads the Executive Director to conclude that the Surrogate or "Surrogate's Court" is part of the State's Judicial Branch, and as such, the records requested by the requestor are not subject to the Open Public Records Act. Since the Council does not have jurisdiction over this Complaint, it should be dismissed.
Finally, since the Council does not have jurisdiction to resolve the question of access, the requestors may apply in Superior Court to access the records under a common law theory. Such an application is neither discouraged nor endorsed.
/s/ Marc H. Pfeiffer, Acting Executive Director
Government Records Council
Dated: June 12, 2003
Updated: May 13, 2005, 6:22 PM ET
Wilf built wealth in shopping centers
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Associated Press
NEWARK, N.J. -- The New Jersey man leading a consortium trying to buy the Minnesota Vikings is the son of Holocaust survivors whose family business is among the largest owners of shopping centers in North America.
Apparently a newcomer to football, Zygmunt Wilf serves on the boards of several Jewish educational and charitable institutions that have been the recipients of millions of dollars from the family, including Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.
Associates expressed surprise at his interest in the team, and that he has become the public face of the prospective buyers, since the family is known for keeping a low profile.
"They're incredibly quiet, wonderful philanthropists. They don't get into the limelight in major ways. They are an incredible family," said Leonard Bielory, the immediate past president of Congregation Israel in Springfield, the Orthodox synagogue where Wilf and his wife and four children attend services not far from their north Jersey home.
"I know he enjoys sports. He enjoys the outdoors tremendously," hiking at the Delaware Water Gap in New Jersey as well as near a home in Aspen, Colo., Bielory said. "He's a very outgoing guy."
Wilf, a lawyer who is in his 50s, prefers to be called Zygi (pronounced Ziggy), associates said.
Wilf was not the lead person in the group seeking to buy the Vikings when the deal was announced three months ago. That role was held by Arizona businessman Reggie Fowler. Wilf was one of four limited partners.
The reason for the switch has not been disclosed, but league rules require that the general partner must have at least a 30 percent stake in the franchise.
Red McCombs, who is selling the club for a reported $625 million, said Wilf now heads the group. McCombs said he expects league owners to approve the purchase at their spring meetings on May 24-25 in Washington, D.C.
"It's really quite an unusual situation, particularly since the guy that was announced [Fowler] would have been the first black majority owner of an NFL franchise," said Dan Kaplan, NFL writer for Sports Business Journal.
Wilf's business background has raised questions as to whether he is more interested in building a shopping mall around a new stadium than operating the Vikings, Kaplan said.
"Guys who buy football teams usually do it because they love football; they usually don't do it because they think it will be a great investment, although it has turned out to be a phenomenal investment for some of them," Kaplan said.
John K. Mara, the chief operating officer of the New York Giants and a member of the family that owns half the team, said he does not think he has met Wilf. "As far as I know he has not reached out to anyone here," Mara said in an e-mail.
Wilf, chief operating officer of Garden Commercial Properties, did not return messages left at his Short Hills office this week.
In comments published May 7 in the Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Wilf said he would not move the team and that Fowler was still part of the consortium.
"We are still in discussion regarding the structure of the group," Wilf told the newspaper. "The NFL is fully aware of everything."
He declined to discuss his net worth or the value of his company. "We have a family business that has operated over 50 years," he said. "I have made it a practice not to discuss financial issues."
The company had the 17th-largest amount of leasable space, 25.9 million square feet, among North American owners of shopping centers in 2004, up from No. 21 in 2003, according to Shopping Centers Today, an industry journal. It has 109 properties in at least five states, primarily New Jersey, but also Florida, Georgia, Illinois and New York.
David Bodamer, managing editor of Retail Traffic, another industry journal, noted that nearly all the company's competitors are publicly traded. "They're a private owner, which is rare for this industry, and they've historically kept a low profile," Bodamer said.
In five years covering retailing, "I've never spoken to anyone over there," he said.
Garden Commercial Properties had revenues of $101.1 million and 5,000 employees in the last year, according to Hoover's Inc.
It acquired about half of the properties and developed the rest, and has anchor tenants that include Home Depot, Lowe's, Walgreen's and Wal-Mart, Hoover's said.
The company is a subsidiary of Garden Homes Management, a home and apartment developer founded in the early 1950s by brothers Joseph and Harry Wilf.
Zygmunt is one of Joseph's sons. In a 2000 interview with Retail Traffic, Zygmunt Wilf said the company will continue to build its business one shopping center at a time.
"Replicating our success is neither a predictable science nor smoke-and-mirrors magic," he told the journal. "It's the result of skill acquired over time, and only after gaining vast experience in the market. It presumes a mastery of our industry, along with a reputation for stability and integrity that, taken together, have become the cornerstone in our ability to attract strong anchor stores and successful tenants to our projects."
"It is the Garden Commercial way of doing both business and life," he said, "which we hope to pass on to our children."
Wilf spoke at Yad Vashem in March when the memorial opened a $56 million museum for which the Wilf family gave over $1 million, said Shraga Mekel, director of development of the American Society for Yad Vashem.
"He is one of the most important leaders of the society," Mekel said.
Wilf was elected in fall 2003 to the Board of Overseers of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, which is based in the Bronx, N.Y. Yeshiva's campus in Washington Heights is named for the entire Wilf family,
Another longtime beneficiary of the family's donations is the Jewish Educational Center of Elizabeth, an Orthodox temple and 1,000-student day school whose graduates include Michael Chertoff, now U.S. homeland security secretary.
Joseph Wilf is still a congregant, and Zygmunt is on the board of trustees, executive director Steven Karp said.
The Wilf Family Building houses part of the girls' high school, while a wing of the boys' high school is named for Harry Wilf.
Rabbi Elazar Teitz, dean of the school, said he has known the family since the 1950s. He said he has not kept records on how much they have donated, but said it is in the millions of dollars.
Zygmunt Wilf only attended the school through sixth grade, the rabbi said.
"He had the ordinary, healthy American's interest in sports. I didn't notice any particular interest in football," Teitz said.
Business PublicationsTopic: RSS Feed
Continental Properties Caters To Active Adult Purchasers
New Jersey Business, Aug 01, 2001 by Prior, James T
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Since its inception some 40-plus years ago, Continental Properties has displayed an uncanny ability to adjust its product to serve New Jersey's ever-changing housing markets. Of the state's 8.4 million population, some 1.83 million were age 55 or over. That figure is expected to grow to 2.2 million by 2010. More than half the state's population is over 36.7 years of age and the 2000 Census shows a whopping 42 percent increase in those over 85.
Founded in 1957 by Erwin Fisch, the Woodbridge-based homebuilder has developed and continues to own and manage over 10,000 rental units. It has produced more than 45,000 homes. Continental Properties has 3,000 to 4,000 homes/apartments in the pipeline at any given time and each year creates about 1,000 residences. It originally focused on developing affordable single-family homes and condominiums for first-time buyers. But, more recently, the emphasis has shifted more toward servicing the active adult market.
Erwin has been joined in the business by his two sons, Steven and Mark, both attorneys and both principals in the business.
"We unveiled our first active adult community in Brick some 30 years ago," notes Steven, in his sixth floor office. Behind him is a framed picture of his dad's first single family home development, with homes then priced at $19,900. "But, until the 1990s, the seniors market represented only about 10 percent of our total housing output. That, however, changed dramatically in the last decade. As New Jersey's active adult population became one of its fastest growing markets, Continental Properties has put more and more of its effort into active adult communities. Now, more than 70 percent of our efforts are geared toward seniors."
Many towns do not have an age-restricted zone in their codes and so rezoning adds a time element to the permitting process, he explains.
Fisch says that, "in the next 30 years, you almost can not conceive of a scenario in which there will be enough active adult homes community construction to meet the demand. Very few townships want to have any type of construction and the few that do, are more amenable to an age-restricted development. An active adult complex has a positive impact on a town, and does not add children to the school systems. I would say that 80 percent of the state's towns want no development."
Fisch says that adult communities in the past almost always offered single-level homes. "That's changed," he declares. "Now, people want two levels with guest rooms and workspace. Buyers are in better shape, active and many still work. In the past, we would not have built two-car garages. Now we do."
This year alone, Continental is opening three new active adult communities:
Rolling Meadows at Wayside, a community of 328 single-family homes, Ocean Township, Monmouth County, with five floor plans ranging from 1,501 to 2,412 square feet of space. They are
priced from $265,000 to $360,000 for the first group of homes -with two and three bedrooms, two bathrooms and two-car garages.
Cedar Village at Holmdel, Monmouth County, is a new, $10-million community of 158 single-family detached homes. Set on a 60-acre tract, the homes will be developed over the next two years. The homes, of 1,500 to 2,500 square feet of space in five floorplans, are to be sold in the $300,000 to $400,000 range. Monthly maintenance runs about $200 to $250. It will feature a 5,000 squarefoot recreation center. This active adult community will also have a 235,000 squarefoot retail center and 110 assisted-living units, to be built by other developers.
Cedar Village at Ocean, Ocean Township, a community of 300 homes, will begin construction this fall.
In addition to these, Continental is now developing Woodbridge Hills, a 427apartment rental community, which combines the amenities of a for-sale condo community with the rental mode of occupancy. To be eligible to rent an apartment, one member of the household must be 55 or older. Woodbridge Hills is a $45-million project which will have 14 low-rise buildings with 23 to 32 apartments, and a 5,000 square-foot clubhouse with an outdoor swimming pool, exercise room and business center. Monthly rents range from $1,095 for a onebedroom residence to $1,245 for a two-bedroom apartment. This, like other Continental active adult communities, will have a recreational clubhouse, with pool and other amenities.
More than 85 percent of senior rental apartments at its Holmdel Village have been leased. The 70 one-bedroom lowincome apartments rent from $650 a month. At least one of the renters of an apartment must be 62 years of age. There are income restrictions, as well.
Even the firm's upscale Regency Club, Livingston, which is a non-age-restrictive community, has garnered more than half of its 100-plus sales from those in the 45-65 age bracket. Steven Fisch, a Short Hills resident, says Continental purchased the land in 1994 at an auction, sold off two of the three offices on the site to the St. Barnabas Health System, and retained one, 90,000 square-foot office structure. It successfully had the land rezoned and has been developing the 265-luxury townhome Regency Club with a 3,000 square-foot clubhouse.
View Peter Degnan's Full Profile >>
Peter J. Degnan Jr.
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New Providence & Berkeley Heights Board of Realtors
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About Peter Degnan - [Cached Version]
Published on: 1/12/2007 Last Visited: 10/23/2007
Peter J. Degnan, Sr.
Certified Residential Broker (CRB) Senior Residential Appraiser (SRA) Past President of the Board of Realtors of the Oranges & Maplewood and Realtor of the Year (1987), and former Director of the Summit, New Providence & Berkeley Heights Board of Realtors
One of New Jersey's most experienced and successful Realtors for many years, having been President and CEO of The Degnan Company and its successors, Prudential Degnan Boyle, Inc. and then Executive Vice President and General Sales Manager of Prudential New Jersey Realty, Pete now offers his experience and servicers directly to the public for the sale and purchase of both commercial and residential real estate.He brings High Tech, High Touch, and a team approach through DegnanTeam.com.
Pete has trained and contributed to the successful development of many fine sales associates and sales managers, in both the commerical and residential fields.He authored the entire sales training course for Degnan Boyle Realtors.He was also the creator of the Fine Homes Marketing System for Prudential New Jersey Realty.He has conducted seminars in and outside the company and has lectured on a wide variety of real estate subjects.
An enthusiastic proponent of the use of technology, he introduced many innovative ideas to his companies, including one of New Jersey's first totally "high tech" real estate offices, widespread use of virtual tours, and demographic software for better marketing and information for agents, buyers and sellers.
These talents also led Pete and Joan to conduct major rehabilitation efforts on two of the homes they owned, one an 1860's Victorian and the other a French Country house, built around 1920.
Pete and Joan raised five children, and are now the proud grandparents of twelve.
Date: October 4, 2007 8:41:00 AM EDT
To: nancy.manteiga@usdoj.gov, ralph.marra@usdoj.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, inspector.general@usdoj.gov
Cynthia Feiler Jampel
3308 French Drive
Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807
Telephone (908) 393 9353
U.S. Attorney’s Office
790 Broad Street
Suite 700
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Telephone (973) 645 2700
Dear Honorable Christopher Christie
Joyce Monihan,
Greg Reinert,
The Wilf Family, who I see is involved with Mosberg / Continental Properties is the developer who is created a cover up, along the assistance of former members of the Union County Judiciary, John M. Boyle, from the family of Degnan Boyle Prudential Realtors and Attorney Robert A. Franco at Villas on the Park, in Berkeley Heights. Two people allegedly died, who were working from the basement area of the condos, breathing in carbon dioxide, toxic air and mold. I had contracted Legionairres Disease. There is no statute of limitations with environmental problems.
Howard Rappaport, now Vice President of Continental Properties (see article) was, at the time Villas was under scrutiny and still should be, working for the township of Berkeley Heights concerning the Mt. Laurel Housing. Dr. Mark Rappaport, a divorcee, whose children did not live with him, had a two bedroom apartment in the complex and faced a mold problem as well. Former Congressman Robert Franks was allegedly given a townhouse in compensation for using his name to own a Townhome at that site.
The Wilf Family and it's member of the concern have been wielding power to thwart investigations and allegedly been helping people who have concealed the problems at Villas. Franco has been at an extreme in preying on vulnerable people and appears to be getting away with it. He has been certifying to scurrilous lies in public documents filed in the Courts along with allegedly stealing in excess of $225,000 from individuals.
Cynthia Feiler Jampel
Christie hits Parsippany pair with more subpoenas
Lawyers Montefusco Sr., Luther are being queried by U.S. Attorney
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Star-Ledger Staff
U.S. Attorney Chris Christie has issued more subpoenas in a federal investigation into Parsippany's planning board attorney and a prominent developer in Morris County's largest town.
The demands for additional information are the first since February, when documents dating to 2002 were ordered from town hall and the offices of developer Edward Mosberg and planning board attorney John Montefusco Sr.
The new subpoenas now seek Montefusco's invoices to 1996 plus the billings of Henry Luther, a former mayor and township attorney, according to a copy obtained by The Star-Ledger. Luther is also the father of present Mayor Michael Luther.
Another subpoena, issued a week ago, seeks more information from town hall on 1991 agreements reached between Parsippany, Mosberg and the Council on Affordable Housing.
That subpoena also ordered chief financial officer Ruby Malcolm to appear before the grand jury next month. Township Clerk Judy Silver appeared as requested, last month. Both have been employed by the town since 1984. Malcolm declined comment and Silver could not be reached.
Alfred DeCotiis, Parsippany's municipal attorney, said federal prosecutors are investigating "some issues relating to past development in Parsippany" and "no one in the (present) administration, or the council is the focus of this investigation."
He said it would be "inappropriate to comment further" other than to say the township "will cooperate as requested."
"We're making sure everyone cooperates with the U.S. Attorney," Mayor Luther said.
The investigation is under the auspices of the special prosecutions unit, which has uncovered numerous cases of public corruption around the state. Greg Reinert, a spokesman for Christie, said office policy was to neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation or that subpoenas had or had not been issued.
Henry Luther, who remains counsel to Parsippany's board of education, said he not only has complied with the subpoena for all his Morristown firm's billings but agreed to meet with federal prosecutors in Newark.
"I was pleased to provide any information they needed and answer any questions they had," Luther said, declining to elaborate. "I'm certainly confident and hopeful it will resolve itself."
Luther was mayor from 1966 to 1973 and then served in the administration of Gov. Brendan Byrne. He eventually became director of the state lottery before returning to private practice after leaving state government in 1977.
Some time after that, he said he began representing Mosberg before the planning board and elsewhere. As the local representative of the Wilf family, the real estate organization based in Millburn, Mosberg has built thousands of homes and numerous commercial and office properties in Parsippany since 1965.
Luther stopped representing Mosberg in 1994 when he became township attorney. Luther said he disqualified himself from any dealings with Mosberg to avoid any appearance of a conflict.
"I just knew it wouldn't appear right," said Luther.
After Luther withdrew, the township was represented in Mosberg matters by the firm of Alan Rich, whose billings from 1996 to the present were also subpoenaed, according to the document. Rich did not return a call for comment.
Mosberg, 80, could not be immediately reached for comment but in a recent conversation said he could not discuss the investigation.
Montefusco, who has been the planning board's attorney since 1990, said he has had no dealings with the U.S. Attorney's office since February.
"This is the first I'm hearing," Montefusco said of the latest subpoenas. "There have been no target letters, nothing. I don't know anything about it."
The federal criminal investigation is the first since corruption charges led to the 1994 removal and imprisonment of Mayor Frank Priore. He had served 12 years as the township's first Republican mayor since 1966, the year the town became the only one in Morris County to have a full-time mayor.
Another federal investigation in the late 1970s led to the resignation of the township's business administrator for taking $11,000 in bribes.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Posted by
Cindy Feiler Jampel
3:58 PM
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